Schedule Your Ford Service Appointment near White Marsh, MD

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Schedule a Ford Service Appointment Today

Does your Ford vehicle require service, such as a routine oil change or brake check? What about a more involved repair, such as transmission service? No matter what your Ford model needs right now, the talented, certified technicians at the Al Packer Ford Service Center are here for you! Our online service scheduler tool make sit easy to request an appointment and feel good about keeping up with Ford maintenance. You can also call us at 443-868-2748 if you would rather schedule a Ford service appointment over the phone.

Auto Services You Can Rely On

At Al Packer's White Marsh Ford, we believe in making vehicle maintenance as simple for drivers in Dundalk and Parkville to schedule as possible. If you are a returning customer, enter your phone number to look up your customer record and make the appointment. If you are a new customer, select your vehicle make (if other than Ford) and year from the drop-down menu. You can also enter your vehicle’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and model and mileage before continuing the appointment request. If you have questions about the scheduling process at any time, use the ‘chat live’ button to speak with a friendly representative!

Preventative Maintenance is Key

Keeping up with your Ford model’s maintenance schedule is something the Al Packer Ford Service Center team constantly emphasizes. It prevents small issues from becoming huge, expensive problems that can keep your vehicle off roads in Bel Air for days or longer. Following your recommended maintenance schedule is subsequently the cost-effective choice that also provides peace of mind behind the wheel. Should you want to sell your Ford model at a later date, you can furnish the maintenance record and possibly score a higher selling price. Most vehicle buyers want to purchase used cars in excellent condition, after all!

Make a Ford Service Appointment Now!

Ready to request auto maintenance from the Al Packer Ford Service Center? Use this convenient form or call 443-868-2748 today. We look forward to helping you maintain your beloved Ford! Our team also invites you to visit our OEM Parts Center and review our latest service and parts specials!